सुभाष पालेकर प्राकृतिक खेती प्राकृतिक खेती खुशहाल किसान योजना हिमाचल प्रदेश एक कृषि प्रधान राज्य है। कृषि-बागवानी से संबद्ध क्षेत्रों से राज्य की लगभग 70 प्रतिशत आबादी को रोजगार मिलता है। इसी को ध्
The planet is heating up rapidly and instead of having a narrow focus on carbon dioxide emissions, soil microbiologist Walter Jehne presents a holistic view on how agriculture can be a tool for res
Man-made climate change is creating conditions on our planet that are increasingly characterised by variability and unpredictability. Pastoralists use variability to their advantage. Their production…
Yams are tuber crops essential for food security in West Africa. However, tuber productivity of traditional cropping systems is much lower than the yield potential.
In West Africa, many smallholder poultry and fish farmers do not have access to feed protein sources, resulting in quantitative and qualitative feed shortages that affects the production of meat, e
The application of organic resources in agricultural land enhances soil fertility and quality, with positive social, economic and environmental impacts.