- 3 years ago
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LiLANY GREENPRO BUSINESS CO.LTD established 2017 as Young Women Lead Company located in Dodoma- City .
We focusing on ( SMART CLIMATIC RESILIENCE AGRICULTURE ) to impower rural women & youth by learning & doing PROFITABLE agribusiness by ADOPTING INCLUSIVE SMART TECNOLOGIES that help farmers to INCREASE YIELD, REDUCE TIME & COST OF PRODUCTIONP, &ACCESSINGA INFORMATION on all Agricultural value chain while adopting ORGANIC & GAP for sustainable industrialization development.
We advocate on gender,leadership,environmental & climatic issues for impactful economic empowerment.
We have different different crops like audible, essentials oil that include nuts & leggum, Spices including (AFRICAN BIRD EYE CHILL FARMING & PROCESSIN FOR EXPORT) as well as food crops like OFSP etc . We have reached more than 5000 farmers .
We have not come to this far alone but with the collaboration with Smart partners local & international organizations INCLUDING our working TEAM & our mentors ( PeterHeri ,Lucy, Atupele,Adeladius,Lilian, Jesca,Dr.Regina,Dr.John etc .
We will use SMART PROJECTOR to generate income by
1) Charging contribution from farmers groups & individuals to learn through videos
2) Working with Local ,government & International organizations who need to use our SMART PROJECTOR to train their turget group on the topics in the projector virtually .
3) Working with Companies who wanna market some products related to agribusiness value chain like technologies,organic fertilizers etc & advarts .
4) Selling of Know how videos on value addition including farming of African Bird eye chilly to our outgrowers.
5) Being AGENTS of " ERA SMART PROJECTOR" for other organizations who will want to buy & use for their organization where will will be selling to them .
6) Sharing with them the video in their phone by paying a little contribution etc.
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