EcoAgtube – videos for agroecology and the environment

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UKC-Benjamin-Simple profile video

  • 3 years ago

At UKC, we do hydroponic fodder systems, we train youth and women about hydroponic systems , we sell hydroponic fodders to livestock farmers, and conduct relevant research on how hydroponic fodder increases animal production and create jobs as well as the contribution to environmental conservation. This smart projector, given by access agriculture will help us;

To cut down the costs of hiring projectors and translators: currently we have been hiring projector and video translator, this is spending money on the activities that could have easily generated revenues without high cost to farmers.

-To raise funds through discounted trainings and consultations: having this  smart projector the training cost will be subsidized therefore making more farmers, and trainees afford thus giving more revenues

-To equip with skills and information about hydroponic fodder benefits thus pulling more clients for our products: It will offer complete trainings and understanding of fodder making, feeding and environmental conservation.

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