Treating tumours in Turkeys
- 8 years ago
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This disease is a very prevalent in poultry country wide. It is an induced tumour disease of all types of poultry. It is caused by a virus. The disease in turkeys is very common but more subdued than in chickens. Symptoms include cloudy eyes, blindness, lameness, lack of coordination, weakness and labored breathing in birds. Transmission of the virus between chickens and turkeys and from turkey to turkey has been proven to be so easy and rampant. The virus is readily transmitted through epithelial cells (dander) shed from skin as feathers grow out. These cells contain infectious virus, which contaminates the environment and is carried by aerosol or tracked away to be taken in through feed and water. Dander remains infectious for at least several months and for years when frozen. Infected chickens shed the virus indefinitely but the disease is fatal if not dealt with early. It blocks the nostrils and causes severe breathing difficulties in birds. The locals in Soroti district try to prevent the disease by manually removing the tumours and applying kerosene in the affected areas. A local herb is also given to the birds to increase their resistance to the diseases causing Virus.
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